While the old still couldn't get over the trauma of having lost World War 2, many of the young despised their parents for not having prevented fascism and the resulting atrocities. This may explain why many of the songs are about quite unlikely and ambitious things like philosophy, medicine, warfare or homosexuality, written in a foreign language, while most of the english speaking garage bands still sang about lost love and juvenile lust.
Of course the Germans couldn't express what was on their mind in proper English, but their failures were glo-rious and the immaculate intentions of the early days still sound better than anything that followed. And that's what the Prae-Kraut Pandaemonium is all about. An archaeo-logical project and a tribute to the decade, when living in Germany still was exciting and adventurous. It isn't dedi-cated to the few well known names like The Lords, The Rattles or The Rainbows, but to the many total unknowns, who scratched together their last coins to get their record released on a tiny label, when the majors wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.