Since Aristotle Krauts have organized their knowledge vertically in seperate and unrelated groups... sense, sex, sixpacks, sin, sax, wine, vibes and song (just to name a few).The main emphasis in a kraut’s endeavour to put things straight is the lifelong attempt to get objects in a horizontal position (especially women) and take one step after the logical other. He usually fails and causes a complete mess (as Einstein did), but insists in singing about the experience in foreign tongues.

Recently, it has become possible for Krauts to chemically alter their mental state, which turned out to be not such a brilliant idea... As you’ll easily recognize on this new documentation of case histories, the restructuring of thinking led to serious cerebral affections and sporadic cases of auto-lobotomy. The quest for pure sanity that forms the basis of investigation on this album didn’t help much.The more you try to exorcize these demons, the more you evoke them. Here comes the cabbage...

The 4 Renders from Eimsbüttel existed from 61 to 66 and were heirs to the throne of the Hamburg R&B kings , held and kept by The Rattles. In 65 their gitarrero Rugy Rugenstein entered the palace through the backdoor, when he replaced Hajo Kreuzfeldt there. After winning the 63 band battle